11.August/19:00 Debut Virtual Maid cafe!

10.August/18:00 Moe Kyun My Secret Cover premier!

10.August/13:00 to 18:00 Moe Kyun Debut relay!

19.July/18:30 V-moe's virtual maid cafe beta.

29.June/14:00 Moe Kyun Happy Happy Morning cover premiered.

8.June/14:00 Maid Aurelia has been revealed.

1.June/14:00 Maid Lethia has been revealed.

25.May/14:00 Maid Fuwa has been revealed.

18.May/14:00 Maid Luci has been revealed.

12.May/14:00 Gen 1 Reveals have begun.

16.Mar/12:00 Gen 1 auditions are closed.

9.Mar/12:00 Gen 1 auditions are open.

Welcome to our lovely cafe dear guest! We are V-Moe, a virtual maid cafe indie vtuber group with a peachy aesthetic! We pride ourselves on creating a warm and cozy environment for both our viewers and talents alike. Whether you are here to seek out community, relaxation, or just a good time, we are here to serve and make you smile! Please feel free to explore our menu and stay a while!

10.Aug created shop
28.May updated entire site
09.Mar updated auditions
22.Feb updated auditions
06.dec updated auditions
02.dec created auditions
02.dec created talent

Who is V-Moe?

V-Moe is a self-made vtuber group with a passion for cute aesthetics and content creation! We are NOT a corporation. You can imagine a bunch of excited peachling in a fancy-looking trench coat! V-Moe is a passion project funded solely by the founders. We may dream of one day becoming something more official but right now we are just a small group working hard to make something cool with our friends!!

Are you a company/agency?

No. We are NOT a company or business.

What does V-Moe have to offer?

On initial entry to the group, V-Moe provides every talent with a custom model and maid design regardless if they are coming on with an existing IP or joining as one of our exclusive characters. From there V-Moe provides funding for and makes sure the talents have everything they need to debut. After debut, V-Moe will not fund talent projects as heavily since we are a small team and everything spent is out of pocket from our management team. However, V-Moe still has a lot to offer such as exclusive discounts and priority commissions from our Partnered Artist program, support and guidance from talent managers paid for and appointed by V-Moe management, help with securing special opportunities such as articles or interviews, and of course the friends and community you gain from joining!

What are our goals?

V-Moe strives to create a close, connected, and welcoming community for all to enjoy. Our goal is to help our talents grow and succeed with the support of the group. We would like to run V-Moe much like an actual maid cafe and entertain our viewers with performances and songs from our talents!

What are the requirements to apply?

•You must be 18+, must be able to speak fluent English, and must be fem presenting. You must also have a content creation history of 2 months at least, the ability to stream or produce content 2-3 times a week, must be respectful/kind towards all communities regardless of race, sex, or sexuality, be comfortable singing in possible group projects, willing to use the official model provided to you by V-Moe for all collabs and official content, and willing to remain active within the V-Moe community consistently.

Do you accept masc talents?

We are not accepting masc at this time but hope to at some point in the future.

Do you accept talents with any pronouns?

Any pronouns or identity is fine as long as the character is fem presenting and okay with being labeled as a maid.

I have content creation history but not as a vtuber or streamer. Can I still apply?

Yes, any content creation history is acceptable. This does not have to be experienced as a streamer or vtuber.

How will the audition process work?

All auditions will happen in 3 phases. We will release an audition promotional video along with the link to the audition Google form on March 9th. Most of it is basic questions to get to know you a little and learn more about your experience as a vtuber or content creator but it will include a portion where an introduction video is required! This you can start working on today! You must record a video introducing yourself and showcasing the vibe of your streams and the kind of content you produce. This video must be at least 3 minutes long and no longer than 5 minutes. You must upload it to YouTube unlisted. Please make sure you set permissions correctly so staff can view your video via your link. If they can not access your video, you will be automatically disqualified! After you have submitted your application you can sit back and wait to receive an email inviting you to phase 2 of applications if you have passed the first. Phase 2 will be a second Google form used to get a more in-depth look at who you are as a person and whether you are right for the group! If you pass phase 2 you receive a third email inviting you to the third and final phase of auditions. Phase 3 is the interview phase where management will schedule a time to meet with you and interview you over voice call. This is the time where you and management have a chance to talk and ask questions of each other, and to see if your personality and vibe fits with our goals. If you make it to this point, we want you to know more about us as well, so you're encouraged to ask us questions as well. We'll also be going over the rules of the group and the TOS. After your interview concludes, you have a bit longer to wait while we will make our final decisions. One last email will come, either congratulating you for being accepted as a member or thanking you for your interest.

Is there a video requirement for auditions?

Yes, it will include a portion where an introduction video is required! This you can work on today! You must record a video introducing yourself, showcasing the vibe of your streams, and the kind of content you produce. This video must be at least 3 minutes long and no longer than 5 minutes. You must upload it to YouTube unlisted. Please make sure you set permissions correctly so staff can view your video via your link. If we cannot access your video, you will be automatically disqualified!

I'm not 18, can I still apply?

In short, no. While we are not a company we feel it is easier to work with individuals who are 18+ to avoid any possible issues regarding minors. However, if you are turning 18 within a month of applications opening, you may still apply. Please note lying will not be tolerated. Should an applicant or talent be found to have lied about their age, it will result in a permanent ban from the group and future gen auditions.

Can I apply if I'm in another group?

Yes, but you must have permission from the other group and be able to keep up with the same amount of responsibilities as other members.

Can anyone globally apply?

Yes! Momo is an Aussie. However please note your timezone/availability to be active will be taken into account.

What are you looking for in talents?

First and foremost we would like V-Moe talents to have good chemistry with each other so having personalities and values that mix well are our top priority. After that, we'd like to have productive individuals who can bring something unique to the table. We will also be looking for individuals with an interest in singing. Other special skills are by no means a requirement but having talents with various skills will benefit the group as a whole.

Will V-Moe accept existing talents or require talents to debut under a new identity?

We are currently accepting existing talents as well as offering the opportunity to debut under V-Moe exclusive design if a talent chooses to.

Will V-Moe own my IP if I join?

You will always maintain ownership of the characters you enter the group with. You are never asked to sign over rights however, the V-Moe maid outfit for your character as well as any models or assets provided by V-Moe are in ownership of them and cannot be used if you leave the group without earning the rights to those assets, a process described in our talent TOS. This applies to the exclusive characters provided to talent.

Will I have input on exclusive character designs, my maid outfit, and models?

Yes, everything for Gen 1 will be fully customized to fit the talent. This may be limited in future gens if we are looking to fill specific characters.

If I receive a V-Moe exclusive character, will I be allowed to keep it if I choose to leave the group?

Yes. If you receive a custom character from V-Moe, you will have the opportunity to have full rights to the character as long as you have met the requirements in our talent TOS, or have paid for the rights to the design for early departure. Momo Haru is the only exception to this rule as she is our mascot and we retain rights to her character regardless of her talent's departure.

Does V-Moe offer POC custom characters to choose from?

Yes! Inclusivity of all ethnicities is very important to us. We offer characters of all complexions and any design can be altered to suit the talent’s ideals more closely if needed.

Can V-Moe custom character be altered and customized?

In short yes, however, the level of customization is dependent on whether a model has already been created for the design. Colors can always be altered but large changes may not be possible for designs with existing models.

I don't have a 2D model. (3D model or pngtuber) Can I apply?

Absolutely! All talents will be provided with a V-Moe-funded Live2D model to use for all group activities.

Will there be uniforms?

Yes! Once talents are accepted, everyone will receive a custom maid design and model to use for collaborations and group activities.

Do you only accept cutesy soft girls?

Nope! We want a variety of personalities and have custom characters for all kinds of personality types.

Open Applications

Partnered Artist Applications Closed for now

Applications Coming Soon

Talent Manager Apps
Mod Apps

Closed Applications

V-Moe Gen 1 Auditions: 3/12- 3/19
Momo Haru Auditions: 12/6-12/22

Model Artists

Variety Artists

Graphic Artists

Music Production

Misc. and More

Maid ??????

Maid Luci

Maid Fuwa

Gen 1 Coming soon!

Contact us!